About Us

The Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival has gained recognition as the premier event of its kind. Born in 1986 as a competition for both student and artist level euphonium performers, the event evolved into a true festival in 1991 when its sponsoring committee expanded its offerings to include lessons, ensembles, seminars, and clinics with some of the world's greatest euphonium virtuosi. The sponsoring committee again expanded the festival 1996 to include a full range of festival activities for tuba.

Student and artist level competitions remain integral to the Festival. The competition has a truly international flavor, with contestants attending from countries around the world.

The Falcone Festival is held each summer, over a four day period, and has been housed since its inception at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Twin Lake, Michigan. In addition to the competition aspect of the Festival, participants are offered the opportunity to attend master classes and recitals provided by internationally recognized euphonium/tuba artists. For more information about Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, please visit their web site at www.bluelake.org.

Competition cash prizes are underwritten by foundations, companies, and friends who believe in the values of the Festival. If you are interested in providing support to the Festival, please let us know! You may participate as an award sponsor or an advertiser, or if you have another idea, please email us or contact any member of the Board of Directors.



March 31...Application Deadline
Early May...Semi-Finalists Notified
August 8-11...Festival Competition

Hosted by Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp

Statement regarding Diversity, Inclusion & Social Justice #BlackLivesMatter

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