There are no orange construction barrels, but you can see that we have a different “look” as the Falcone Festival website undergoes a complete upgrade. The site is now responsive and you should still be able to find what you are looking for under the menu items, which have not been changed. We are working to make sure everything is still operating properly, with some design changes, and ultimately some upgraded functionality coming, but we may be unavailable off and on until roughly mid-January. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have an urgent question, email Jane Goodrich or send a question to the falcone.festival on Facebook.

Fritz Stansell

StansellWe are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Fritz Stansell, founder and president emeritus of the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Fritz Stansell was also one of the original founders of the Falcone Festival and had an incredible impact on the music world. Our most sincere condolences to the Stansell family and BLFAC community during these difficult times.

Blue Lake’s founder and president emeritus, Fritz Stansell, has passed away at the age of 92. He leaves a legacy that will forever inspire our mission and vision. Thank you, Mr. Stansell. Ars longa, vita brevis. You can read his obituary here.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival, the Festival Board of Directors called for submission of new unaccompanied compositions for the Euphonium Student and Tuba Student division competitions.

One winner and two honorable mentions were selected in each category. Each winner received $1,000 in prize money and their piece appears on the required repertoire list for the 2021 Festival competition.

We had anticipated that the Festival Artists-Adjudicators would premiere the pieces during the 2020 Festival at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. However, because the Festival occurred virtually, each of the composers premiered their piece themselves during the shortened Festival August 8-9, 2020.

Euphonium Category


        “In Modo Humano” by Thomas Rüedi


        “Modal Suite” by Kayla Danielle Roth

        “Subject to Change” by Andrew P. Markel

Tuba Category


“Climate Strike” by Evan Zegiel


“The Mechanicals” by Edmund Joliffe

         “Whale Songs” by Lynn Blake John

Congratulations to everyone who submitted a work for this competition; the level of work and dedication that was apparent in the entries made the selection process challenging. Thank you, to all of you, for your time and dedication to our instruments.

The Festival would also like to thank Jason Smith and Will Sutton for their tireless work behind the scenes. Additionally, thank you to Chris Combest who coordinated this entire effort, as well to the committee members listed below for evaluating the entries. Without everyone’s selfless offering of time and attention, we could not have held this event.

2020 Falcone Festival Solo Works Competition Committees

Euphonium Committee

Gail Robertson, chair

Mark Cox

Fernando Deddos

Mai Kokubo

Jamie Lipton

Jerry Young

Tuba Committee

Chris Combest, chair

Ben Miles

Eduardo Nogueroles

Philip Sinder

Mark Tillinger

Barbara York

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