Applications are now OPEN
The Competition Overview & Application Process for all four divisions has been updated with new information for the 2025 Festival. Please read and review all information before starting to register!
1. TUBA ARTIST Semi-final Unaccompanied Round: Alarum by Edward Gregson
2. EUPHONIUM STUDENT Preliminary Round: Sonatine by Hidenori Arai
3. EUPHONIUM STUDENT Preliminary Round: Melodious Etudes for Trombone Book 1 No. 42 by Bordogni/Rochut
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The Competition Overview & Application Process for all four divisions has been updated with new information for the 2025 Festival. Please read and review all information before starting to register!
This year, we're doubling the excitement! In celebration of our Fortieth Anniversary, we’re honoring a cherished festival tradition by welcoming not one, but two exceptional guest artists to the stage. We are pleased to present Dr. Fernando Deddos, Euphonium, and Albert Khattar, Tuba, from Brazil. More...
Blue Lake’s founder and president emeritus, Fritz Stansell, has passed away at the age of 92. Fritz Stansell was also one of the original founders of the Falcone Festival and had an incredible impact on the music world. We are deeply saddened to learn of his passing. Our most sincere condolences to the Stansell family and BLFAC community during these difficult times. He leaves a legacy that will forever inspire our mission and vision. Thank you, Mr. Stansell. Ars longa, vita brevis. You can read his obituary here.
Susan M. Topping (2023) | Jane Goodrich (2021) | Dr. Jason Smith (2020) | John Lepprandt (2017) | Dr. Earle Louder (2008)
As Treasurer for the Falcone Festival, Sue contributed her CPA skills in managing the financial aspects of the Festival. She completed necessary reports, both state and federal, and ad hoc reports as needed. Perhaps one of her main jobs was to remind the board to keep expenses within income! Each year following making the payments to Festival judges (preliminary round and at the Festival) and the awards to the twelve Festival medalists, she issued all necessary tax related paperwork to those participants.
Sue was also the “go-to” person at the Festival for all the logistical details for the contestants. She made sure that accompanist fees were paid, gathered all the personal information (name, person to inform in case of problems, any dietary restrictions or allergies, etc.), as well as how each planned to arrive (driving, flying) and if flying, details of day, time, airline and flight number, plus total in their party arriving.
Her involvement with the Falcone Festival was natural, as she had taken lessons on the euphonium from Dr. Falcone when still a high school student. She has continued playing her instrument throughout her adult life. A long-time resident of the greater Lansing area and East Lansing in particular, Sue has been involved with many organizations, both as CPA and volunteer. Early in 2023 Sue experienced a medical emergency and had to step back from her responsibilities with the Festival and other involvements. During her time of recovery, she has very much appreciated all the cards, texts, phone calls, from everyone! She continues to improve her physical strength and overall health.
On Wednesday, August 16, 2023, a group of five board members were able to visit Sue Topping in East Lansing, MI, as she continued her recuperation. She was presented with an honorary gold medallion in recognition of all her contributions to the Festival over 28 years of service.
Pictured: Front Row (Left to right): Laura Topping, Sue Topping; Back Row (Left to right): Phil Sinder, Abby Zarimba, Scott Myckowiak, Jane Goodrich, and Douglas Goodrich. Photo by Dave Topping
Thank you, Sue!
On August 7, 2021, Falcone Festival president Philip Sinder was able to present a special festival gold medallion to Jane Goodrich, in recognition of her numerous contributions to the success of the Festival for over 25 years. As a member of our board of directors and executive committee, Jane continues to be an integral wheel in our internal operations, and a leader regarding our external visibility.
It may come as a surprise that Jane is not only not a low brass player, but not any kind of brass player. Her instrument of choice is the flute, which she has played for the last forty-plus years in the Lansing Concert Band (and for another twenty-odd years in other venues). She came to the Festival primarily because her husband Doug, a euphonium player, was invited to attend some of the concerts by fellow low brass players in the Lansing Concert Band who were on the Falcone board. Both Goodriches were recruited to become members of the board and since have been integrally involved with the Festival.
Jane currently heads our preliminary application process, which includes working to be surethat the registration system is up to date and ready to open for applications, and that application uploads work with no issues. She answers applicant questions, ensures that adjudicators can access the preliminary round recordings, and sends each applicant notification of results. She also serves as board secretary, helps to coordinate our Festival website, works on the annual program, and chimes in as one of the Falcone Festival “elves.”
For her organization skills, knowledge of festival history and operations, concern for the continued growth and health of the festival, and commitment to the low brass world – we happily honor her with the Falcone Festival Gold Medallion!
At the 2020 Virtual Falcone Festival, Board President Philip Sinder announced that a special gold medallion was being awarded to Dr. Jason Smith. The presentation took place online during the Virtual Festival. Jason currently serves as Professor of Tuba/Euphonium at Ohio University School of Music. He has taught at Ohio University for 21 years and is a founding member of OhioBrass, Ohio University’s faculty-artist brass quintet. Jason has adjudicated for the International Tuba Euphonium Association (ITEA), served from 2002 to 2011 as Chief Editor for the ITEA Journal, and currently serves on its Board of Directors and coordinates He has also adjudicated at the Falcone Festival.
Jason is greatly appreciated for creating the online registration program for the Falcone Festival solo competition, beginning with the 2017 Festival. He has continued to maintain and update the site, as well as expand the features of this program. In addition, Jason developed and monitored the system for collecting entries for the 2020 Falcone Festival Solo Works Composition Competition.
He played a major role behind the scenes of our 2020 Virtual Festival by creating the program that collected the videos for the two semi-final and final rounds from the participating semi-finalists.
The entire low brass community joins the Falcone Festival in honoring Jason for all of his contributions!
On November 1, 2017, John Leipprandt was presented a Falcone medallion in honor of his years of service to the Falcone Festival. The presentation took place at the fall concert of the Bay Concert Band in Bay City, MI, where he has been a member for more than 40 years. Assisting Falcone Past Vice President Tom Broka (at the lectern, below left) with the presentation were Falcone board members Abby Zarimba and Seanne Danielak (from right to left). In John's work behind the scenes at the Falcone Festival, he has played such roles as treasurer and "chief elf". It was a special treat for us to surprise John this way, by presenting the medallion at the concert in front of his many friends. (Below right: John checks out the medallion.)
John graduated from Michigan State University and played euphonium in band with Earle Louder under Leonard Falcone. His engineering career was with GM, but his avocation has always been music, specifically playing euphonium. In addition to playing with the Bay Concert Band, he co-founded The German Connection with Tom Broka in 2000, which played gigs in the Bay City for fifteen years, and he has travelled with the MSU Alumni Band on several of their international concert tours. His love of music has led to his support of the Brass Band of Battle Creek in addition to the Falcone Festival.
We congratulate John and thank him for all he has meant to the Falcone Festival. His contributions to the Festival are much appreciated by all the contestants and committee members.
(left) Presentation of the medallion
(right) John checks out the medallion
In 2008, Dr. Earle Louder was selected as the first recipient of a special Falcone medallion to honor his 20 years of service to the Festival in a variety of capacities, including as judge, teacher, and music coordinator. Unfortunately, Dr. Louder was unable to attend the 2008 Festival, as he was in Columbus, Ohio, conducting the All-Ohio State Fair Band at that time.
Earle studied euphonium at Michigan State University under the tutelage of Leonard Falcone. He earned his doctoral degree at Florida State University, where he achieved the distinction of being the first person ever to complete the Doctor of Music degree in Euphonium Performance. For twelve years, he played principal Euphonium and was head of the brass department with the U.S. Navy Band in Washington, DC, before serving as Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at Morehead State University in Kentucky. He has been a premier soloist, as well as teacher and mentor to hundreds of students and artists.
In Earle’s words: “It has always been my honor to be a part of honoring my mentor and friend, Dr. Leonard Falcone, by serving as adjudicator, teacher, and music coordinator since 1988. Tell everyone that ‘The Earle of Louder’ says ‘Hello’ and that he loves you all.”
The Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival mourns the loss of our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Earle Louder, on May 26, 2021. All of us celebrate his artistry and lifelong commitment to music, and will miss his camaraderie, his resonant bass voice, and his wise counsel in all facets of music and life. |
The internment for Earle Louder was held on June 21, 2022, at the Tallahassee (FL) National Cemetery with members of his family in attendance. The folded American flag was presented by the U.S. Navy Honor Guard to Earle’s wife, Louise. Photos: Cemetary with flag at half mast; US Navy Honor Guard folding flag; Presentation of flag to Earle's wife; Earle's photo and hats.
Schedule of daily events |
Although the COVID-19 coronavirus was first detected in 2019, it was not until the early months of 2020 that its impact on the world became evident. By mid-March, most U.S. grade schools, high schools, colleges, and universities dismissed their students from their campuses to stay at home and attend classes on-line. In what seemed a blink of an eye, life here turned upside down. Mothers, fathers, and students were working and studying at home.
This disruption to “normal” life had an impact on everything, including the Falcone Festival. Students lost the resources ordinarily available to them—no pianists to rehearse and record with, limited or no recording facilities outside their homes and, for some, loss of school-owned instruments. Add to that the difficulties of those in apartments who had to juggle times to rehearse while accommodating schedules of those in apartments around them, people who are working from home or perhaps working nights and needing to sleep during daylight hours. Certainly, a challenge!
The Falcone Festival Board’s first announcement regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic came on March 15, detailing changes to the preliminary application requirements for the 2020 Festival. The deadline was extended from March 31 to April 30, 2020, giving applicants an extra month to complete recordings and submit materials. In addition, the piano accompaniment requirement was waived; the required repertoire remained the same as originally posted for 2020 but allowed applicants to choose to submit with or without piano accompaniment.
On April 13, Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp announced it was suspending all camp activities for 2020. This meant that the Festival could not be held there. The board considered options and decided they were unlikely to find another venue for August. Moving the Festival to a later date (December 2020 or January 2021) was problematic because of the uncertainties about contagion and peoples’ schedules.
That left the board to decide whether we could present a virtual festival up to our standards or whether we should simply cancel the 2020 Festival. We announced our compromise on April 24: we would hold a festival, even though we weren’t sure exactly what it might look like, and we would try to keep as many signature aspects of a “normal” festival as we could.
When we reached our (new) deadline for applications on April 30, we found ourselves with a robust pool of applicants in all four divisions. Our belief that players would remain interested in applying was justified! On May 15, the board announced that the 2020 Falcone Festival was going virtual. So...
Welcome to the 2020 Virtual Falcone Festival!
June 2020
Throughout our 35 years of existence, the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival has sought to be an inclusive organization, open to low brass performers of any race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and nationality. The Board of Directors of the Falcone Festival believes that Black Lives Matter, and we stand with the Black musicians in our tuba/euphonium community. In light of recent events, we intend to make several changes to our Board and to the Festival that reflect our renewed commitment to diversity and inclusivity, and to dismantling the systemic racism that plagues our musical institutions.
1. We will be recruiting individuals from the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) low brass and educational communities to fill additional seats on the Falcone Festival Board of Directors to enhance BIPOC perspectives in the management of our organization.
2. Our repertoire selection committees will increase efforts to include a larger number of musical works by living composers who identify as a member of a marginalized group that is underrepresented in tuba/euphonium music such as women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ composers. Many tuba/euphonium competitions, teachers, and studios build their music selections from our repertoire lists, and we are committed to using our privilege as a respected international competition to promote the careers of composers from these underrepresented groups.
We condemn the horrific events of racial injustice that have transpired both recently, and in the past, and we acknowledge that we must act to make changes that are long overdue. We are only a tuba/euphonium festival, but with these changes, we hope to be an example to other music organizations as we continue our work with euphonium and tuba players all over the world. #BlackLivesMatter
To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival, the Festival Board of Directors called for submission of new unaccompanied compositions for the Euphonium Student and Tuba Student division competitions.
One winner and two honorable mentions were selected in each category. Each winner received $1,000 in prize money and their piece appears on the required repertoire list for the 2021 Festival competition.
We had anticipated that the Festival Artists-Adjudicators would premiere the pieces during the 2020 Festival at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. However, because the Festival occurred virtually, each of the composers premiered their piece themselves during the shortened Festival August 8-9, 2020.
Euphonium Category WINNER: “In Modo Humano” by Thomas Rüedi HONORABLE MENTIONS: “Modal Suite” by Kayla Danielle Roth “Subject to Change” by Andrew P. Markel |
Tuba Category WINNER: “Climate Strike” by Evan Zegiel HONORABLE MENTIONS: “The Mechanicals” by Edmund Joliffe “Whale Songs” by Lynn Blake John |
Congratulations to everyone who submitted a work for this competition; the level of work and dedication that was apparent in the entries made the selection process challenging. Thank you, to all of you, for your time and dedication to our instruments.
The Festival would also like to thank Jason Smith and Will Sutton for their tireless work behind the scenes. Additionally, thank you to Chris Combest who coordinated this entire effort, as well to the committee members listed below for evaluating the entries. Without everyone’s selfless offering of time and attention, we could not have held this event.
2020 Falcone Festival Solo Works Competition Committees
Euphonium Committee Gail Robertson, chair Mark Cox Fernando Deddos Mai Kokubo Jamie Lipton Jerry Young |
Tuba Committee Chris Combest, chair Ben Miles Eduardo Nogueroles Philip Sinder Mark Tillinger Barbara York |