Falcone Festival Endowment

The Festival Endowment Fund was initiated in 2005 in order to augment our regular annual operating funds and to secure the financial success of the Festival for many years to come. In the Falcone Festival's initial challenge match in 2012, when an anonymous donor provided an incredible one-for-one matching gift up to a maximum of $35,000, met its goal. The Festival Endowment Fund has now reached a level where its resources will provide valuable support to the operation of the Festival on an annual basis, while continuing to grow. The Festival wishes to sincerely thank all of the contributors to the 2011-12 endowment fund matching funds drive for their support.

Our record of success and growth over more than 30 years would not have been possible without the generous support of our individual donors, corporate advertisers, and sponsors. Since our founding in 1986 we have evolved into the world's premier annual competition for euphonium and tuba! We hope to expand our list of donors to the Festival in order to secure the future of the Festival. Please consider a cash gift. This may be used:

  • in support of general operating funds
  • toward building our Festival Endowment Fund
  • in support of the prize sponsorship and enhancement
  • toward guest artist sponsorship
  • toward our next commissioned performance piece to enhance the solo repertoire.

We welcome contributions of any amount! Feel free to speak with any Festival Board Member regarding opportunities to contribute. The Falcone Festival is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization (tax ID # 20-0752701) and your individual contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

A donation form can be found here. As always, we welcome your support not only toward our Endowment drive, but also toward general operating funds via unrestricted gifts and designated gifts. Please feel free to contact Phil Sinder, Falcone Festival President, for more information regarding opportunities to contribute to the Festival.


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