Link to COVID testing locations

This policy affects all competitors Festival board members, collaborative pianists, adjudicators, and other Festival workers. This does not apply to other Festival attendees.

Prior to Arrival

• Be proactive by washing hands and limiting non-essential activities and travel that may put you at higher risk for contracting an infectious disease, including COVID-19.
• Monitor health daily. Watch for red-flags such as fever or flu-like symptoms. If you become symptomatic, seek treatment and testing and update either Sue Topping, Festival Logistics Coordinator, or Phil Sinder, Festival President.
Now required: Obtain a rapid antigen at-home covid test result within 48 hours prior to arrival and provide a confirmation of a negative test result in order to check in. A simple screen shot on your phone would suffice.

Upon Arrival at Camp

Before checking in with the Falcone Festival, you will be asked to show proof of your negative test. A simple screen shot on your phone would suffice. Blue Lake will also conduct a 15-minute rapid antigen test and screen for symptoms as a part of check-in. Once this health screening is complete, you may check in with the Falcone Festival officials.

During the Falcone Festival

We all must work together to keep our camp community healthy for everyone. Therefore, Blue Lake expects that all participants will continue to be proactive in monitoring personal health, as well as take care to keep a reasonable distance from others and follow any other expectations presented by the staff. Though not required, we highly encourage masks in indoor spaces. Masks are strongly encouraged in the dining hall (when not eating) and in indoor venues where people are sitting closely together for an extended time.

COVID Response

Participants are expected to immediately report any concerning symptoms. Those who test positive will be asked to mask and isolate and will be required to leave camp within 24 hours. Those who are symptomatic or considered close-contacts will be asked to mask and get tested at the health lodge. Those who are exposed will be required to mask around others at all times and will complete a rapid-test daily for 5 days. To review our full COVID response plan, view it here: Campus Health & Safety. We continue to work diligently to maintain the healthiest camp community possible and navigate concerns as they arise. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the administration at Blue Lake.


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