This includes information about the setting and what to expect during the days spent at the competition and festival (Friday through Monday). Here are some easy links to find things on this page:

This page and the documents referred to within are available as PDFs, text only:


Michigan is in the Eastern Time Zone (like the US East Coast) and at the time of the Festival, Michigan is on Eastern Daylight Saving Time. All times indicated are the actual times in the Whitehall, Michigan, area.

All Falcone Festival competitors are responsible for having the correct edition of the competition pieces. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK the Festival website for details! All competitors also must bring all required piano scores with them. The Competition begins Friday afternoon and concludes with the finals Monday night.

The Setting

The events of the Festival are held on the campus of Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (300 East Crystal Lake Rd in Twin Lake).
This link will take you to directions to Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.
This link will give you a pdf map of the Camp.

BLFAC entrance sign
After you turn into camp on Crystal Lake Road, approximately one half mile east of Russell Road you will see a large parking lot on the north (left) side of the road. Please park here; this is the main parking area used during the Falcone Festival. The large two-story building on the south side of the road is where the majority of our activities take place. The building goes by several names, as it serves a variety of purposes. It includes the Blodgett Lobby and Recital Hall (which are on the street side of the building with an entrance on the ground floor), and around to the west, the outside stairs take you to the Student Activity Center (SAC), and Marek South, the camper dining hall.

Below: Approach to Parking Lot (left) with Blodgett Lobby Entrance visible on right


Below: Doors into Marek where Orientation Meeting is held; Entrance to Blodgett Lobby

MarekEntrance BlodgettLobbyEntrance

After entering the Blodgett Lobby, you can find the mezzanine where practice and warm-up rooms are located; Falcone contestants will share these with Blue Lake campers and instructors. Part of the competition takes place in an area called Camp Niblock; more about that later.

The Campus

Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (BLFAC) is rustic, but comfortable, and nestled among tall pines adjacent to Blue Lake. Many contestants, weather permitting, may rehearse or warm up outside in spots of their choosing. The camp has many acres of such spots to choose from. In past years motels have agreed to permit practicing in rooms or on motel grounds during limited hours if it does not disturb travelers who must rest during those hours. It has generally been acceptable to practice between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm.LakeBench

Summer Considerations

The West Michigan area around Blue Lake in the summer is generally quite humid and usually hot, with temperatures in the 80’s or 90’s (degrees Fahrenheit).

While the motels are air conditioned, the camp is not. However, Blodgett Recital Hall and Niblock (where practice rooms and competition venues are located) are air conditioned.

Dress Code

Student FinalistsDress throughout the Festival is casual and contestants may wear whatever they wish for the semi-final rounds, since no one will see them. We do ask that contestants not wear any type of shoes that might allow judges to identify them during the semi-final rounds. However, during the final rounds, most competitors choose to be dressed as they would for giving a recital. Finalists will perform in front of an audience, which includes the adjudicators, other competitors, friends, and family, AND the Festival plans to live stream all finals. Contestants and people who have accompanied them to Blue Lake are required to wear name badges (provided at Orientation meeting) at all times (except when competing) while at BLFAC, as we are guests at the camp. (There are approximately 1100 campers on site while the Festival is taking place.)

Logistics Team

Shortly after the semi-finalists have responded to the invitation to attend the Festival, the Logistics Team will send out additional information about travel, accommodations, etc. to each semi-finalist and alternate. If a semi-finalist is unable to attend, an alternate (in posted order) would be invited to attend. For those competitors who choose to stay in the recommended hotel, the Festival will provide transportation between the hotel and the camp. All choosing alternate housing are responsible for their own transportation. Whitehall may or may not have ridesharing services available, so check prior to assuming they are!

Abbreviated 4-day Schedule (times subject to change)

Friday 3:00 - 4:30 Orientation meeting and draw for order of play
7:30 pm Guest Artist(s) recital
Saturday 9 am - 2:30 First round: unaccompanied
1:00 - 6:15 pm Rehearse with collaborative pianists
7:30 pm Adjudicator recital
Sunday 9:00 am - noon Second round: accompanied
Noon Pictures and luncheon where finalists announced
Afternoon Finalists meet with collaborative pianists or band
Afternoon Contestants meet with judges for their comments
3:50 - 4:30 pm Euphonium-Tuba Ensemble rehearsal
7:30 pm Band concert with Guest Artist(s) & E-T Ensemble
Monday Morning Warm-up and Master Classes
1:00 pm Student Divisions Finals
7:00 pm Artist Divisions Finals & Presentation of Medals
9:00 pm Afterglow


The Orientation Meeting

The competition actually begins with an orientation meeting on Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) in Marek South (second floor, last entrance on the west side of building). All parents, friends, or significant others who have travelled with the semi-finalists are welcome to attend. At this meeting:

  • Each competitor will receive their name badge, t-shirt, and program; anyone accompanying a competitor (family, friend, teacher, etc.) will also be given a name badge identifying them in relation to the competitor.
  • The judges, board members, and Logistics Team volunteers will be introduced.
  • Each competitor will initially draw for a letter of the alphabet which will indicate the order of play Saturday morning and the time of rehearsing with pianists in the afternoon. The letter will be paired with a number (pairing will be random by division) for order of play on Sunday morning.
  • Our Treasurer will accept any outstanding payments for the accompanist fee, along with payment for guests (spouses, parents, friends, etc.) who wish to join the competitors, judges, pianists, and volunteers at the luncheon Sunday noon. Luncheon for competitors is free.
  • Following the meeting, which takes approximately one hour, a guided tour of the building will be offered for those interested (about 20 minutes).

Below: Former Treasurer Sue Topping checks her lists as competitors receive their materials; President Philip Sinder addresses the competitors, family, and friends; Drawing for order of play

Friday Checkin  Friday meeting 
       Orientation4Drawing for letters   Drawing

After the Meeting

Following the orientation meeting, most competitors practice and perhaps get something to eat. Some may go back to their lodging or to a local restaurant. Those staying at camp have a lot of choices for places to practice, and food is available for purchase at the snack bar or Kresge Hall (where camp faculty and counsellors eat). The price for meals at Kresge will be announced at the orientation meeting; competitors, friends, and family are all welcome to eat there at the same price. In the past, competitors have even ordered pizza to be delivered (we can’t guarantee this will be possible). Competitors are responsible for their own meals throughout the competition, except Sunday luncheon.

Below: The snack bar; The road to Faculty Village and Kresge Lodge; Faculty Village is NOT where you will find food, it houses the administrative offices; Entrance to Kresge Lodge

SnackBar   FacVillage KresgeFaculty Village sign  KresgeLodge   


Guest Artist(s) Recital

Friday evening the Guest Artist(s) recital is held in Blodgett Recital Hall. This event is open to everyone. (Check the schedule in the program for start time.) All competitors are strongly encouraged to take part in all of these non-competition events. Festival t-shirts and other items will be available for purchase in the lobby before the recital. This merchandise will also be offered before the Adjudicator recital on Saturday evening, before the luncheon Sunday, and before the Artist Finals Monday evening.

Below: Pre-concert in the Blodgett Lobby; Guest Artist Recital; Lobby sales

Pre concert in Blodgett Lobby   Guest Artist Recital  

LobbySales   LobbySales2



Competitors should not converse with judges about the contest while the semi-final rounds are going on; that is, from Saturday morning until after the luncheon Sunday. Saturday morning begins with the unaccompanied semi-final competition. Both semi-final rounds (unaccompanied on Saturday and accompanied on Sunday) are closed to the public. The playing and judging are done “blind”—that is, the competitors play for judges who sit behind a screen and do not know the identities of the players.

Competitors are required to check in and encouraged to warm up in the Blodgett mezzanine practice rooms as available.

In Blodgett, where everyone goes to warm up: Typical mezzanine practice room; Looking down from the mezzanine; What he's looking at—the hallway to the competition rooms

Mezzanine Practice Room    Looking From the Mezzanine     Looking From the Mezzanine2

Student competitors (on Saturday only) and Euphonium Artist competitors (both days) are driven out to Camp Niblock to compete and are NOT to go on their own. Tuba Artists play in Blodgett both days, and Student competitors play in Blodgett on Sunday only. Those playing at Camp Niblock either day will be taken to a small warm-up building approximately 15 minutes prior to performance time. 

Below: Contestant waiting for Niblock shuttle in Blodgett Lobby, chatting with helpful volunteer; Meeting the Niblock shuttle outside Blodgett prior to being driven to Niblock

Meet the elf    NiblockShuttle       

Below: In Blodgett, where the Tuba Artists compete, looking from the stage; Blodgett stage set-up for accompanied semi-final round

Blodgett Looking From the Stage     Competition in Blodgett

Below: Entrance to Niblock Lodge; Unloading from the shuttle outside Niblock; Checking in before competing; Competition set-up in Niblock for unaccompanied and accompanied semi-final rounds

Niblock Entry View  NiblockShuttle unloading  Niblock Check In Before Entry

Competition in Niblock  Setup Niblock

Sat.Rehearsal with Pianist

Saturday afternoon, semi-finalists rehearse in designated mezzanine practice rooms with their respective collaborative pianist.


 Adjudicator RecitalAdjudicator Recital

Saturday evening is the Adjudicator Recital, held in Blodgett Recital Hall. (Check the schedule in the program for start time.) This event is open to everyone. Again, all competitors are strongly encouraged to take part in all of these non-competition events. Festival t-shirts and other items will be available for purchase in the lobby before the recital. This merchandise will also be offered before the luncheon Sunday and before the Artist Finals Monday evening.



Sunday morning begins with the accompanied semi-final competition. Both semi-final rounds (unaccompanied Saturday and accompanied Sunday) are closed to the public. The playing and judging are done “blind”—that is, the competitors play for judges who sit behind a screen and do not know the identities of the players. Competitors will participate in the number order designated in the Friday draw. Competitors are required to check in and encouraged to warm up in the Blodgett mezzanine practice rooms.

After competing, contestants' time is their own until noon, when they must be at Blodgett Lobby with their instrument, wearing the Festival t-shirt, ready for the photo session.

Starting at Noon

After the photo session is the luncheon. All competitors are expected to join judges and support staff; friends and family are welcome, although reservations are required for non-competitors. Competitors eat free and there is a nominal charge for friends and family, which will be announced at the orientation meeting. During the luncheon, the finalists in each of the four divisions (Euphonium Artist, Tuba Artist, Euphonium Student, and Tuba Student) will be announced.

Below: Organizing for the photo session; At the luncheon in Marek South

Waiting for Photo Shoot     Marek South Luncheon.300x200

While the competition continues for those twelve people (three in each of the four divisions) it becomes a true Festival for everyone else. Involvement with the judges is not only allowed but encouraged! Judges for each division are available to share their comments regarding each participant's performance in the semi-final rounds.

Below: Artist Finalists confer with the Conductor of the Blue Lake Festival Band; Competitors get notes from Judges on their Semi-Final Performance

Finalists Conferring with Joe     Getting Notes on Semi Final Performance

Sunday afternoon the finalists rehearse with the collaborative pianists or the Blue Lake Festival Band, as appropriate. All participants are invited and encouraged to rehearse as part of the Festival Euphonium-Tuba Ensemble, along with the adjudicators and other volunteers. The Festival Euphonium-Tuba Ensemble performs during the Sunday evening concert at Stewart Shell. All semi-finalists and guests are encouraged to attend the Sunday evening concert and the Monday master classes and finals!

Below: Artist Finalist rehearsing with the Blue Lake Festival Band in the Stewart Shell

Artist Finalists Rehearse with Festival Band   

Live Broadcast Concert

Sunday evening is the live broadcast concert at the Stewart Shell. (Check the schedule in the program for start time.) The Blue Lake Festival Band plays several pieces, accompanies our guest artist(s), and the Festival Euphonium-Tuba Ensemble plays. The audience consists of approximately 1100 Blue Lake campers, friends of the Festival, and other public who attend Blue Lake concerts.

Below: Pre-concert in the Steward Shell; Philip Sinder announcing during the broadcast, the Festival Euphonium-Tuba Ensemble at right

Stewart Shell Interior    ET Ensemble at Stewart Shell



Monday morning offers a group warmup session for all, and several master classes for various divisions.

Below: Student Master Class in Niblock; Artist Master Class in Blodgett

Student Master Class   Artist Master Class

Student NiblockEntranceSignFinals

The final competition for the student divisions is held Monday afternoon at Camp Niblock. (Check the schedule in the program for start time.) This event is open to everyone, and the Festival plans to live stream all student finalists. All adjudicators will be rating the competitors. Carpooling is encouraged as parking is limited! Medalists are announced after all of the student finalists have performed. Medalists will also be introduced and their awards will be presented at the closing ceremony Monday evening following the Artist Finals performances.

Below: The road to Camp Niblock (take the right fork and go slowly - one lane road with potholes); Entrance at Niblock; Audience setup inside Niblock; All adjudicators rate the Student Finalists

   NiblockRoute   NiblockEntrance

StudentFinalsSetup2   All Judges Hear Student Finals

Artist Finals and Ceremony

The final competition for the artist divisions is held Monday evening at Blodgett Recital Hall. (Check the schedule in the program for start time.) This event is open to everyone and the Festival plans to live stream all artist finalists. All adjudicators will be rating the competitors.

Below: Artist Finalists play in Blodgett with either the Blue Lake Festival Band or one of the collaborative pianists

Artist Finals with Blue Lake Festival Band   Artist Finals in Blodgett

Following the Artist Finals, all twelve of the medalists are announced and the medals and monetary awards are distributed in Blodgett Auditorium. Following the awards ceremony, everyone is invited to the afterglow, a modest party where contestants, family and friends, adjudicators, and volunteers gather to wrap-up the Festival.

Below: Presentation of the awards; The medallions-Gold, Silver, and Bronze for each of the four divisions; 2017 Euphonium Artist medalists

Awarding the Medallions   The Medallions   Medalists

Please also refer to either the Daily Events page on the Festival website or the Daily Events pdf document to learn which events are open to the general public.

Photo Tom
Additional pictures may be found using the Flickr link at the bottom of each web page.
Most photographs included on this page are courtesy of Tom Hentschel.



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