2024 Festival . . . In Gratitude

Seymour & Faye Okun Family for almost forty years of continuous support

The Stansell Family & Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp for hosting the Falcone Festival since its inception

Blue Lake Festival Band & Dr. Trae Blanco, Conductor, for their musical support for the Euphonium Artist Finals

Ellis Family Foundation for their decades of sustained support

Cecilia Falcone for continuing the Falcone family tradition

Rich Erne & Jim Ross for their guidance with BLFAC room scheduling, and to the BLFAC setup crew

Pete Marvin & Joy Rimpau, our Logistics Team, for communicating with our semi-finalists and alternates from their announcement to the week of and during the Festival

Melanie Rosin, Kimiko Yamada & Jane Goodrich, who led our Festival preliminary application process

Dr. Jason Smith for updatng programming for registration, adjudication, and comments for our Festival competitions

Toby Salzman for her hours spent with edits and layout of the Festival programs since 2010 and for maintaining our website

Dr. Chris Combest & Dr. AJ Miller and all the judges for making the 2024 Composition Contest work smoothly for entrants

Tricia & Tom Hentschel for organizing the Monday night aferglow

Tom Hentschel, our roving photographer since 2016

John Endahl, webmaster

And... our on-site logistics and operating support team that keeps the Festival running smoothly:
Cece Falcone • Doug Goodrich • Jane Goodrich • Tricia Hentschel • Scott Myckowiak • Joy Rimpau • Melanie Rosin • Toby Salzman • Abby Zarimba • Dan Zarimba

