For 2023, the Falcone Festival provided Blue Lake with a list of all contestants, judges, pianists, and volunteers and their emails prior to the Festival. Blue Lake emailed a link to a health screening which consisted of a series of questions each person answered and sent back to Blue Lake prior to the Festival. Each person was asked to save the screen showing confirmation of passing the health screening, which they were to show when they arrived at Blue Lake.

The Falcone Festival Logistics co-chair had a complied list of all the people (and emails) who were to be at Blue Lake and kept a record of each person’s confirmation on a master list. Our verification was shared with Blue Lake personnel.

Blue Lake had a policy in place regarding Infectious Contagions and COVID-19 Response: Individuals with a diagnosed communicable illness, including COVID-19, influenza, or any other highly transmissible contagion, would be required to isolate from others while receiving treatment, according to their standard protocols. 

Happily, everyone passed the initial health screening, and no one came down with any infectious illness during the 2023 Festival.

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