Betty Beryl Falcone
October 29, 1920 - December 5, 2015  

The Heart and Soul of the Falcone Festival
Musician • Educator
Strong supporter of MSU Bands and Alumni Band
2002 MSU Grand Award for Alumni Service International Traveler


Beryl Falcone was the Grand Lady of the Falcone Festival. From day one she was always there organizing and supporting making sure everyone felt welcome. Her financial and in-kind support provided a foundation on which the Festival continues to build. She made friends quickly and kept them forever, and considered every contestant, adjudicator, and volunteer as part of her family.

We will hear her voice when someone says “we need to save that for the archives”. She foresaw the need to document to history of the Festival and saw the first 25 years of materials delivered to the Michigan State University Archives in June 2013.

For the last 50 years, Blue Lake had been a second home to Beryl and her daughters. In addition to spending summer “at camp”, she traveled internationally with various Blue Lake groups. That sparked a love of travel that would continue throughout her life.

We will go forward with fond memories of her untiring enthusiasm and inspiration…and the twinkle in her eye.

Family, friends, music, and the connections we make: That is why she was and always will be the Grand Lady of the Falcone Festival. Here are some photos from over the years.

In one sense there is no death.
The life of a soul on earth lasts beyond departure.
You will always feel that life touching yours, that voice speaking to you.
She lives on in your life and in the lives of all others that knew her.
~Angelo Patri

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