Testament to the Legacy of Leonard Falcone Now on Permanent Display at MSU College of Music

The legacy of Leonard Falcone is a story of how much this man was and is loved, admired, respected, and revered throughout the world. Revered and beloved for his leadership, discipline, and musicianship, Professor Falcone helped to establish a national reputation for the Michigan State University College of Music. During his 40-year tenure as director of bands—and 13 more as he continued to teach—this Italian immigrant guided the MSU Bands to national prominence, as MAC became MSC and then MSU.

As professor of baritone and euphonium, Falcone became the world’s foremost soloist and authority on the baritone. His musical legacy lives on today in the form of many loyal students who have gone on to teach and play throughout the world. His legacy as a beloved, principled man lives on through all of his students who gained from his guidance and example.

To honor Professor Falcone and his profound influence on MSU and to leave a visible tribute to inform succeeding generations, the MSU Alumni Band raised funds and commissioned the design and placement of a bronze plaque bearing his image and story, collaborating with University officials and College of Music faculty. This permanent honor and testimonial has been placed next to the rehearsal room where Falcone and his students made wonderful music for nearly two generations. His tradition of excellence continues to this day—every time the MSU Bands perform. A replica of this plaque was presented to his widow, Beryl Falcone.

This is his legacy: Leonard Falcone’s music still echoes through the “ivy covered halls.”

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