You may not notice any orange construction barrels, but you probably have seen that we have a slightly different “look.” The Falcone Festival website is undergoing a complete upgrade. The site is now responsive and you should still be able to find everything you are looking for under the menu items, which have not been changed. We are working to make sure everything is still operating properly, with some design changes, and ultimately some upgraded functionality coming, but we may be unavailable off and on until roughly mid-January. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have an urgent question, feel free to email Jane Goodrich or send a question to the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium & Tuba Festival on Facebook.

Red Skelton    1988 Pictures
Early Days: Photo upper left (from right) Leonard and Beryl meet Red Skelton at Blue Lake many years ago
Photo upper right With (from left) Roger Behrend, Seymour Okun, James Niblock—1988
Photo lower left At Blue Lake with Dr. Earle Louder—1993
Photo lower right With Father Walter Marek and Fritz Stansell—2000

1993 pictures               2000

85th    2011
Affiliations: Photo upper left Beryl honored by the MSU Spartan Marching Band on her 85th birthday—2005
Photo upper right At the Afterglow with Phil Sinder after a very successful Festival—2011
Photo lower left With Rod Ellis, former Blue Lake board member and long-time Festival board member and supporter—2012
Photo lower right Celebrating her 95th birthday with members of the MSU Alumni Band—2015

2012    Beryls 95th

2012         1984
With daughter Cecilia (Cece):                                            They are missed
both are worthy of gold medals in our opinion                    Leonard Falcone 1899-1985 • Beryl Falcone 1920-2015


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