Read: Welcome to the 2021 Virtual Falcone Festival


April 14, 2021: 2021 Falcone Festival will be Virtual

The Falcone Festival, following an April 12, 2021 meeting of the Board of Directors, has made the decision to hold the 2021 Festival in a full virtual setting as was done last year. The Festival Board considered several possible sites, including our normal host location of Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, as destinations for a live festival. However, due to concerns of health, safety, access, travel, and programming related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board felt that the wise move was to conduct a virtual event.

The Falcone Festival will take place August 7-8, 2021. In addition to our semi-final and final rounds involving 32 competitors, the Festival will be planning additional performances, masterclasses, interviews, and historical events to be broadcast at that time.

We encourage you to submit a preliminary round application by the April 30th deadline. All application details may be found at our website.

The Falcone Festival intends to return to a live event in 2022, hosted by Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.

March 18, 2021: Preliminary Round Application Deadline Extended

The Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival will celebrate our thirty-sixth year in 2021, continuing our legacy of offering competitions, cash prizes, educational events, performances, music commissions, and outreach. Our plan has been to host this annual event in early August, as usual, and we have been working to cope with the continuing COVID pandemic to allow for a Festival that is accessible, safe, and uplifting for all involved.

To date, the Festival Board has not fully determined if it will hold a live and in-person event or a virtual event similar to our 2020 Festival experience. We expect that a final decision will be made in the next few weeks.

As a result of this extended and important decision, the Festival is electing to move the initial entry deadline for preliminary round applications one month later. The new official entry deadline is midnight on April 30, 2021.

The Festival will notify all entrants of the invited semi-finalists early June 2021.

Thank you for your interest in the Festival and best wishes with your preliminary round application/recording!

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