There are no orange construction barrels, but you can see that we have a different “look” as the Falcone Festival website undergoes a complete upgrade. The site is now responsive and you should still be able to find what you are looking for under the menu items, which have not been changed. We are working to make sure everything is still operating properly, with some design changes, and ultimately some upgraded functionality coming, but we may be unavailable off and on until roughly mid-January. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have an urgent question, email Jane Goodrich or send a question to the falcone.festival on Facebook.

For 2024, again the Falcone Festival provided Blue Lake with a list of contestants, judges, pianists, and volunteers and their email addresses prior to the Festival. Blue Lake emailed a link to a health screening which consisted of a series of questions each person answered and sent back to Blue Lake prior to the Festival. Everyone passed the screening, and no futher action was required by Festival participants.

Blue Lake did expect that if any participant showed symptoms of contagious illness, they would follow Blue Lake treatment guidelines.

Thankfully, no COVID-related problems occurred during the 2024 Festival!

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